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21 Apr 2009

24 new features planned for the next release of EPrints

Leslie Carr in his post EPrints and its Development talks about new features planned for the next release of EPrints.

Access to the scientific literature in India

A paper Access to the scientific literature in India uses an evidence-based approach to assess the difficulties faced by developing country scientists in accessing the scientific literature. According to this paper Indian scientists have shorter references lists; they are more likely to cite articles from open access journals and are less likely to cite articles from expensive journals.

15 Apr 2009

3 Apr 2009

Repositories Support Project (RSP)

Repositories Support Project (RSP) is a useful resource to guide establishing, maintaining and promoting Open Access repositories.

New Launch: Open Access Solutions

OPENACCESSSOLUTIONS.COM may be of interest for those who wish to edit, publish and electronically distribute a highly professional OA journal, yet remain independent.