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10 Sept 2010

Venturing into DSpace

After using EPrints for a repository that has earned me a bit of fame among Indian LIS professionals, I am now venturing into DSpace. Well this does not imply my preference to either of these.

So, the news is that I managed to install DSpace (1.6.2) on a RHEL 5 box.

Well, to admit, it was not smooth. However the following did helped me:

I got struck at two places. First it was problem with 'xml-commons-apis'. It was missing. When I installed it by

'yum install xml-commons-apis', Yum automatically removed Sun Java. I had to re-install Sun Java. Second time I got struck with 'ant fresh_install'. The problem was with


The server was not able to download GeoLiteCity.dat.qz file. I had to cheat 'ant fresh_install' by downloading the file from alternative location and placing it on my server and then tweaking the installation script.

Now finally the DSpace 1.6.2 is working for me. But, I have yet started.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi, Sukhdev
I'm installing dspace1.6.2.s So I hva problem ant fresh_install, then I wrote ant fresh_install, few minutes later I cannot connect
Where did you download them?
help us?